ChatGPT Code Interpreter: Engineers new companion

ChatGPT Code Interpreter

Are you an engineer who is looking for ways to improve your workflow? If so, then you should consider using Code Interpreter. Code Interpreter is a powerful tool that can be used to run code, analyze data, create charts, edit files, and perform mathematical operations. (One more thing. Keep reading till the end to see what Code Interpreter can do that nobody is telling you)

Code Interpreter is a code execution engine that allows you to run code using Python. You can use Code Interpreter to run code without having to write it yourself, which can save you a lot of time and effort. Code Interpreter can also be used to analyze data, create charts, edit files, and perform mathematical operations.

Here are some examples of how engineers can use Code Interpreter to improve their workflow:

  • Run code without having to write it yourself: If you need to run a piece of code that you don’t have the time or expertise to write yourself, you can use Code Interpreter to do it for you. This can be a great way to save time and get your work done faster.
  • Analyze data more quickly and easily: Code Interpreter can be used to analyze data more quickly and easily than you could by hand. This can be a great way to identify trends and patterns in your data that you might not have been able to see otherwise.
  • Create charts and visualizations to communicate your findings: Code Interpreter can be used to create charts and visualizations to communicate your findings to others. This can be a great way to make your data more accessible and understandable to others.
  • Edit files without having to open a text editor: Code Interpreter can be used to edit files without having to open a text editor. This can be a great way to make quick changes to files without having to leave the Code Interpreter interface.
  • Perform mathematical operations without having to use a calculator: Code Interpreter can be used to perform mathematical operations without having to use a calculator. This can be a great way to save time and get your work done faster.

Here are a few examples that I asked chatgpt to do.

Creating Animations

  • Can you create an animated gif with Seaborn and iris data?
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For some reason, I was not able to get Code interpreter provide me information about ffmpeg as mentioned in this blog

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What is crazy is that it’s able to realize that it doesn’t have access to the internet and look at the datasets installed in the current env and pick it up from there. To be clear the code it wrote was for using datasets from Seaborn -> This was not possible -> Identified that it has scikit-learn package installed which has the same Iris dataset and used that.

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And Voila here is the animation. It is not a fancy animation but the fact that we could create it with few text prompts is fantastic.

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EDA, ML Model, and Feature Importance.

Identifying Packages Installed in Code Interpreter Env

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As you can see the current user is a sandbox user and the site-packages are installed in the path mentioned above. Now you can start exploring all the packages that are installed.

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And the list goes on. We also validated that sci-kit learn is already installed. So the next logical step was to see if it can provide the code needed for building a simple classifier for IRIS. I know you might be thinking anyone can write the code for that simple problem and you are right. But I am fascinated by it :).

ML Model

Can you run the scikit learn example and provide the accuracy?

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Not to forget all the above took less than 10 mins

ChatGPT Code Interpreter different use cases

The Code Interpreter, with its natural language processing capabilities and real-time feedback, opens up a plethora of use cases across various domains. Here are some potential different use cases of the Code Interpreter:

  1. Rapid Prototyping and Development:
    • Use the Code Interpreter to quickly prototype ideas and concepts, allowing for faster development cycles.
    • Receive real-time feedback and suggestions during the development process, leading to more efficient coding.
  2. Code Learning and Education:
    • Educators can leverage the Code Interpreter to teach programming to beginners, providing interactive coding sessions and personalized guidance.
    • Students can practice coding in a supportive environment, receiving instant feedback on their code.
  3. Debugging Assistance:
    • Utilize the Code Interpreter as a debugging companion to identify errors and potential issues in the code.
    • Receive suggestions on how to resolve bugs and optimize code for better performance.
  4. Complex Algorithm Development:
    • Tackle complex algorithms and data structures more effectively by interacting with the Code Interpreter to understand and refine your implementation.
    • Get insights into the logic behind the code and explore various possibilities.
  5. Natural Language Interfaces:
    • Integrate the Code Interpreter into applications to create natural language interfaces for users to interact with the software using plain English commands.
    • Offer users the ability to interact with your program or service without the need to know the underlying programming language.
  6. Automated Code Generation:
    • Employ the Code Interpreter as part of a code generation system to convert natural language requirements into executable code.
    • Streamline the process of generating code snippets and accelerate development for certain repetitive tasks.
  7. Code Review and Quality Assurance:
    • Use the Code Interpreter as a code review tool to analyze code quality, detect potential vulnerabilities, and ensure adherence to best practices.
    • Provide developers with immediate feedback on code improvements.
  8. Interactive Documentation:
    • Enhance documentation by embedding the Code Interpreter, allowing users to interact with code examples directly in the documentation and experiment with different scenarios.
  9. Natural Language Chatbots and Virtual Assistants:
    • Integrate the Code Interpreter into chatbots or virtual assistants, enabling users to seek coding help or execute code-related tasks through natural language conversations.
  10. Assistive Programming for Individuals with Disabilities:
  • The Code Interpreter can serve as an assistive tool for individuals with disabilities, enabling them to code through speech or natural language input.

These diverse use cases illustrate the versatility and potential of the Code Interpreter, making it a powerful tool for developers, educators, and users across various industries. Its ability to bridge the gap between human language and code execution makes it a valuable addition to any coding workflow.

If you’re an engineer who is looking for ways to improve your workflow, then I encourage you to check out Code Interpreter. It’s a powerful tool that can help you save time, get your work done faster, and communicate your findings more effectively.

Now to the interesting part take a look at the packages installed and comment on what we could possibly try next.

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