101 Ways to Use AI Assistants Like Claude, ChatGPT, and Bard to Improve Your Business

Artificial intelligence is transforming how businesses operate and serve customers. AI-powered tools like Claude, ChatGPT and Bard enable automating repetitive tasks, generating human-like content, and answering questions with speed and accuracy. According to McKinsey, AI could deliver $13 trillion in global economic value by 2030.

To tap into the potential of AI, businesses need to understand its practical applications. In this comprehensive guide, we will outline 101 ways Claude, ChatGPT, Bard and other AI assistants can be applied to make your business smarter and more efficient. From improving customer experiences to automating workflows, AI can enhance nearly every function.

AI assistants like Claude, ChatGPT, and Bard are transforming businesses through their ability to understand natural language, generate human-like text, and automate tasks. To help you brainstorm ideas, here are 101 ways you can apply these tools to get more done:

  1. Customer service – Create an AI-powered chatbot to handle common customer queries.

Example: “How do I reset my account password?”

  1. Marketing – Generate optimized blog posts and social media captions.

Example: “Write a 300-word blog post about our new product launch.”

  1. Sales – Craft tailored sales proposals and email templates.

Example: “Write a sales email introducing our accounting software to potential clients.”

  1. Research – Rapidly research topics and summarize key information.

Example: “Give me a 2 paragraph summary of the key points in this market research report.”

  1. Data analysis – Ask questions about data and receive insights.

Example: “What were the top selling products in the Northwest region last quarter?”

  1. Content creation – Develop SEO optimized articles, listicles, guides, and more.

Example: “Write a 2000-word guide to using ChatGPT for business.”

  1. Reporting – Create customized reports pulling data from multiple sources.

Example: “Build a monthly sales report with highlights on top customers and products.”

  1. Product descriptions – Generate unique, engaging product descriptions for catalogs and websites.

Example: “Write a 150-word description highlighting the key features of this software.”

  1. Pricing – Optimize pricing models based on competitor research and demand analysis.

Example: “Recommend pricing for our new SaaS product based on the current market.”

  1. Scheduling – Manage calendars and automatically schedule meetings and appointments.

Example: “Schedule a 30 minute meeting with James next Tuesday after 2pm.”

  1. Data entry – Populate databases and spreadsheets to save manual effort.

Example: “Enter the contact info from these 1000 business cards into our CRM.”

  1. Accounting – Automate bookkeeping tasks like reconciling statements and recording transactions.

Example: “Review this income statement and list any abnormal activity.”

  1. Travel planning – Provide customized travel recommendations and itineraries.

Example: “Suggest a 5 day trip itinerary to Seattle for a family of 4.”

  1. Legal research – Quickly find relevant case law and summarize precedent.

Example: “Give a summary of key court decisions related to software patents.”

  1. Contract review – Analyze contracts and summarize terms and conditions.

Example: “Identify any areas of risk or concern in this vendor agreement.”

  1. Policy review – Scan policies and handbooks to ensure no compliance gaps.

Example: “Review our employee handbook and flag any missing or outdated policies.”

  1. Recruiting – Source qualified candidates and schedule interviews.

Example: “Find 3 candidates with 5+ years experience for our open sales role.”

  1. Onboarding – Automate aspects of employee onboarding like preparing offer letters.

Example: “Create an offer letter for Alex Johnson for the marketing manager role.”

  1. Payroll – Calculate payroll amounts and process payments securely.

Example: “Process payroll for our 75 employees this pay period.”

  1. Surveys – Design effective surveys and analyze results.

Example: “Create a 10 question survey to measure employee satisfaction.”

  1. Email sorting – Read and sort incoming emails into topics.

Example: “Read my latest emails and create folders for the key topics covered.”

  1. Meeting notes – Attend meetings and generate summarized notes.

Example: “Join my meeting with the leadership team and provide a summary of key decisions.”

  1. Presentations – Design visually appealing presentation decks tailored to your narrative.

Example: “Make a 12 slide deck introducing our startup to potential investors.”

  1. Training – Create training materials like employee handbooks, videos and manuals.

Example: “Develop a training program that teaches our sales process in under 2 hours.”

  1. FAQs – Compile and answer frequently asked customer, employee and product questions.

Example: “Write 20 FAQs answering common questions about our payroll software.”

  1. Troubleshooting – Diagnose technical issues and suggest solutions.

Example: “This program is crashing on launch, provide steps to troubleshoot.”

  1. Brainstorming – List ideas related to prompts like new products or marketing campaigns.

Example: “Brainstorm 10 potential names for our app redesign.”

  1. Strategizing – Outline strategic plans tailored to your business’s situation and goals.

Example: “Give 5 strategic recommendations for growing our Northeast sales by 30%.”

  1. Competitive analysis – Research competitors and summarize their positioning.

Example: “Compare our software offering to these 3 competitor products in a table.”

  1. Pricing analysis – Determine optimal pricing based on costs, customer demand, competitive offerings.

Example: “Recommend a pricing model for our consulting services.”

  1. Financial analysis – Interpret financial statements to provide insights and recommendations.

Example: “Review our income statement over the past year and highlight areas to reduce spending.”

  1. Data visualization – Turn raw data into understandable charts and graphs.

Example: “Visualize website traffic over the past 3 months in a line graph.”

  1. Translation – Translate content between languages while maintaining context and tone.

Example: “Translate this landing page from English to Spanish.”

  1. Transcription – Create text transcripts from audio and video files.

Example: “Transcribe this 30 minute meeting recording.”

  1. Summarization – Condense long reports, articles and documents into key takeaways.

Example: “Summarize this 100 page market research report in a 1 page executive brief.”

  1. Tutoring – Provide personalized teaching and explanations on complex topics.

Example: “Explain capital budgeting in simple terms.”

  1. Debugging – Review code snippets to identify bugs and suggest fixes.

Example: “This function is failing, what might be causing the issue?”

  1. Coding – Write code meeting functional requirements in languages like Python and JavaScript.

Example: “Write a Python script that sorts this list alphabetically.”

  1. SEO optimization – Improve web pages and content for search engine ranking.

Example: “Optimize this blog post for the keywords ‘AI assistants for business’.”

  1. Ad copy – Craft compelling ad creative tailored to products, offers and audiences.

Example: “Write a Facebook ad promoting our product launch to small business owners.”

  1. Brand messaging – Ensure consistent brand messaging across platforms and touchpoints.

Example: “Review our website and product brochures to align with our branding guidelines.”

  1. Speechwriting – Develop engaging speeches tailored to your event and audience needs.

Example: “Write a motivational 5 minute speech for our upcoming sales conference.”

  1. Social media – Manage social media accounts, draft posts, identify engagement opportunities.

Example: “Curate content and schedule posts for our corporate Twitter account next week.”

  1. Relationship mapping – Visualize relationships between people, organizations and concepts.

Example: “Map the connections between our board of directors.”

  1. Timeline generation – Compile timelines summarizing key events on any topic.

Example: “Build an interactive timeline covering the history of electric vehicles.”

  1. Thought organization – Structure free-flowing thoughts and ideas into logical narratives.

Example: “Organize my draft research paper into a clear, logical flow.”

  1. Event planning – Handle event logistics like selecting venues, scheduling, invitations.

Example: “Make event arrangements for our upcoming shareholder meeting.”

  1. Customer segmentation – Divide customers into groups based on common attributes like demographics.

Example: “Segment our email subscribers by location and purchase history.”

  1. Data modeling – Design data models and database schemas optimized for analysis.

Example: “Design a Cassandra data model to store our clickstream data.”

  1. Proposal writing – Craft proposals tailored to RFPs and funding opportunities.

Example: “Write a 5-page grant proposal for our after-school STEM program.”

  1. Knowledge bases – Compile company knowledge and document processes in central repositories.

Example: “Build a knowledge base documenting all our HR policies and procedures.”

  1. Meeting facilitation – Manage meeting agendas, guide discussions, drive decisions.

Example: “Facilitate our monthly all-hands meeting next week.”

  1. Task management – Create and assign tasks to team members based on priorities and workloads.

Example: “Add UX research tasks to our team’s Asana project.”

  1. Email management – Handle email sorting, triage, reminders and follow-ups based on priorities.

Example: “Coordinate responses to my inbox over the next 3 days based on importance.”

  1. Calendar management – Schedule meetings and optimize calendars based on responsibilities and availability.

Example: “Block 2 hours Wednesdays and Fridays for writing on my calendar.”

  1. Document formatting – Prepare nicely formatted documents following templates and brand guidelines.

Example: “Format this 100 page report in our company style.”

  1. Grammar correction – Check writing for spelling, grammar and syntax issues.

Example: “Proofread this blog post and correct any errors.”

  1. Voice cloning – Use limited voice samples to generate realistic speech imitation.

Example: “Listen to this 1 minute clip of my speech, then create a text-to-speech voice matching it.”

  1. Conversation simulation – Provide realistic dialogue trees for training and educational purposes.

Example: “Pretend you are angry customer service rep responding to an escalated call.”

  1. Interview preparation – Research companies and suggest questions to ask and topics to discuss.

Example: “I have a job interview at Google next week, help me prepare.”

  1. Negotiation assistance – Strategize negotiation approaches based on circumstances.

Example: “Help me decide on a price to counter with for this B2B sales deal.”

  1. Personalized recommendations – Suggest products, services or actions tailored to an individual.

Example: “Given my travel history and browsing data, recommend 3 international vacations I might like.”

  1. Customer data analysis – Surface insights from customer data to improve conversion and retention.

Example: “Analyze our customer churn and highlight major factors driving it.”

  1. Prediction modeling – Forecast future outcomes using current data like sales projections.

Example: “Based on our sales data, predict revenue over the next 6 months.”

  1. Risk analysis – Identify potential risks and their likelihood and severity.

Example: “Analyze risks associated with expanding to a new international market.”

  1. Trend analysis – Identify emerging trends in data that require a business response.

Example: “Review sales data and describe key trends that marketing should address.”

  1. Sentiment analysis – Evaluate qualitative feedback and comments to determine overall sentiment.

Example: “Read through these 500 survey responses and summarize overall feeling toward our rebranding.”

  1. Document analysis – Review contracts or filings to extract key elements like names, dates and places.

Example: “Extract all dates mentioned in these legal contracts.”

  1. Keyword research – Identify high potential search terms and compare to competitors.

Example: “Find 10 relevant long-tail keywords with high search volume for my business.”

  1. Image generation – Create original images based on text descriptions.

Example: “Generate a 1000 x 1000 image of a purple fox sitting in a field.”

  1. Image enhancement – Improve image quality through upscaling, noise reduction and more.

Example: “Enhance this blurry 600 x 400 photo for high resolution printing.”

  1. Logo design – Instantly generate logo concepts based on brand names and preferences.

Example: “Design 3 logo ideas for a new tech company called Innovance.”

  1. Video generation – Convert text descriptions into realistic video content.

Example: “Make a 45 second explainer video about the benefits of our accounting platform.”

  1. Animation – Convert text into animated sequences, comics and more.

Example: “Animate a 10 panel comic strip where a dog buys ice cream.”

  1. Document filing – Read documents and accurately categorize for digital filing.

Example: “Read these expense receipts and save them to the appropriate employee folders.”

  1. Product tagging – Accurately tag products with relevant terms to improve discoverability.

Example: “Review these 1000 products and add 5-10 keyword tags for each.”

  1. Optical character recognition – Convert scanned documents and images into machine-readable text.

Example: “Extract the text from these scanned invoices for archiving.”

  1. 3D modeling – Design 3D models based on size and visual references provided.

Example: “Make a 3D model of a shoe based on these sketches with dimensions.”

  1. CAD drawing – Convert descriptions of physical spaces into detailed CAD models.

Example: “Draw a CAD floorplan for a 2000 sq. ft. office layout with 5 rooms.”

  1. Writing assistance – Provide real-time writing suggestions to enhance flow, clarity and impact.

Example: “Assist me in writing an engaging opening paragraph for my novel.”

  1. Proofreading – Offer grammatical and stylistic improvements for any written content.

Example: “Proofread this article and suggest changes to improve readability.”

  1. Paraphrasing – Rewrite passages of text using new phrasing and wording while maintaining meaning.

Example: “Paraphrase this research paper abstract to avoid plagiarism.”

  1. Fact-checking – Verify the accuracy of facts, quotes, data points, and other details.

Example: “Fact check this 2000 word blog post to confirm all statistics are correct.”

  1. Background research – Investigate any topic in-depth to provide context and history.

Example: “Research the key events leading up to the French Revolution.”

  1. Literature reviews – Survey academic literature on a research topic and synthesize findings.

Example: “Review all published studies on machine learning interpretability and summarize the overall consensus.”

  1. Bibliography/citation – Correctly format bibliographies and in-text citations in multiple formats.

Example: “Generate a bibliography for this research paper in APA format.”

  1. Resume review – Assess resumes and suggest improvements to optimize and tailor content.

Example: “Review my resume and give suggestions to improve it for software engineering roles.”

  1. Job description review – Evaluate job descriptions and recommend enhancements to attract candidates.

Example: “Read through this job description and suggest any missing qualities to highlight.”

  1. Interview questions – Develop thoughtful interview questions tailored to specific job roles.

Example: “Write 5 technical interview questions for a front-end developer candidate.”

  1. Job postings – Craft compelling job postings designed to capture attention of ideal candidates.

Example: “Write a job post for a social media manager to be distributed on online hiring platforms.”

  1. Recruiting emails – Assist with writing effective cold outreach emails to potential candidates.

Example: “Draft an email to recruit a top performing sales manager I connected with on LinkedIn.”

  1. Cover letters – Create tailored cover letters that showcase qualifications for a specific role.

Example: “Write a cover letter for the marketing coordinator position I just applied to.”

  1. Thank you notes – Quickly generate thoughtful thank you notes after interviews and meetings.

Example: “Write a thank you email to Alice after she interviewed me for the project manager role yesterday.”

  1. Rejection letters – Craft sensitive yet concise rejection letters for unsuccessful applicants.

Example: “Compose a rejection email for a candidate we interviewed but decided not to move forward with.”

  1. Job transition planning – Suggest goals and steps to help guide a smooth career change.

Example: “Provide advice for transitioning from teaching to a career in software engineering.”

  1. Salary negotiation – Research competitive pay and help strategize win-win salary discussions.

Example: “Help me prepare to negotiate my salary for this product manager job offer.”

  1. Performance reviews – Generate fair, constructive performance reviews tailored to employees and roles.

Example: “Write a performance review for Tom, an accountant who excels at individual work but needs to improve team collaboration.”

  1. Team updates – Summarize status across projects and workstreams for concise team communication.

Example: “Draft a weekly update covering the priorities and milestones my team is working on this week.”

  1. Meeting recaps – Review notes and recordings after meetings to share concise summaries.

Example: “I was unable to attend the client presentation last Friday. Please review the materials and provide 2-3 key highlights.”

  1. Talking points – Convert rough ideas into concise, coherent talking points for speeches and presentations.

Example: “Craft 3-5 talking points from my research to present at our upcoming town hall.”

  1. Script outlines – Develop detailed outlines that map out storylines, characters, and key moments for scripts.

Example: “Outline a plot, main characters, and story arcs for a 90 minute film script about a heist.”

There are nearly endless ways businesses can tap into AI tools like Claude, ChatGPT, and Bard to work smarter. Refer to this list when brainstorming your next application of artificial intelligence. What other use cases would you add? Let the AI revolution begin.

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